sookshm resham example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sookshm resham usage in english sentences. The examples of sookshm resham are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., film.

In our daily life, we come across many situations like a hotel owner directing his employees to complete certain activities for organising a function, a teacher directing his student to complete an assignment, a film director directing the artists about how they should act in the film etc.

Those were the days of mainly indoor shooting, and only five per cent of the film was shot outdoors.
On the contrary he must have had to face more uncertain and difficult times, for when he began his career, there were no firmly established film producing companies or studios.
Like so many of those who were close to The Boss, he was allowed to produce a film and though a lot of raw stock and pancake were used on it, not much came of the film.
The whole thing lasted about an hour; then the poet left and we all dispersed in utter bafflement what are we doing? What is an English poet doing in a film studio which makes Tamil films for the simplest sort of people? People whose lives least afforded them the possibility of cultivating a taste for English poetry? The poet looked pretty baffled too, for he too must have felt the sheer incongruity of his talk about the thrills and travails of an English poet.
The Central Board of Film Certification is the authority to certify both Indian and foreign films.
Without doubt violence and aggression shown on television and the film media have a powerful influence on the viewers, especially the children.
still from the Kannada film Chomana Dudi (Choma's Drum, directed by B.
The film is based on a novel of the same title written in 1930 by the celebrated Kannada novelist Sivarama Karanth.
If you do not buy a ticket, you are excluded from watching a film at a local theatre.
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